STS® 加湿器
DriSteem 的 STS®(蒸汽到蒸汽)加湿器使用锅炉蒸汽作为能源,产生无化学物质的加湿蒸汽。 热交换器中的锅炉蒸汽将清洁的填充水蒸发成加湿蒸汽。 锅炉蒸汽或化学品不会进入加湿空间,而是返回锅炉。
- Ultra-sorb® Model LV & LH Steam Dispersion Panel (Non-pressurized)
- Ultra-sorb® Model XV Steam Dispersion Panel (Pressurized)
- Rapid-sorb® dispersion tube system
- Single dispersion tube
- Area-type™ fan
- 使用现场锅炉蒸汽进行无化学加湿
- 轻松改造蒸汽喷射加湿器
- 通过严格测试,满足 IBC 标准和 OSHPD 抗震认证预批准
- 美国制造
容量:蒸汽容量为 20 至 1600 磅/小时(9.1 至 726 千克/小时)
Control: ±1% RH, Vapor-logic® controller
Options: Water treatment system, weather cover, climate-controlled outdoor enclosure, and Drain-kooler™ water tempering device
小册子、IOM 和目录
Maintenance Resources
Vapor-logic 6
Vapor-logic 6 – Europe
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All of DriSteem products are available on the BIM object websites below. These sites include free downloads of CAD (.dwg) files, Revit (RFA) files, specification details, brochures, Installation and Operation Manuals, and more.