RTSĀ® Humidifier RX Series

The RTS humidifier is a compact, elegant, cabinet-style unit compatible with all water types (tap, softened, deionized, reverse osmosis) and numerous dispersion options. Installation is a snap, just attach the frame to a supporting structure and connect electrical and water services.

The RTS has 21 basic models, with capacities up to 324 lbs/hr (147 kg/h). 

  • Removable front covers with quarter-turn latches allow easy one-sided access to the tank and electrical connections
  • Large clean-out and heater plate allows for easy access when cleaning the tank.
  • DriSteemā€™s smart drain technology adjusts drain intervals automatically based on water quality. Draining removes precipitated minerals from the tank.
  • Matching Space Distribution Units disperse steam with no visible vapor trail (SDU-I-RX), making the RTS humidifier ideal for use in finished spaces.
  • Industry-leading functionality of Vapor-logicĀ® controller with an intuitive touchscreen interface.
    • Start-up wizard for simplified setup; scan QR codes to access product manuals
    • Color-coded alerts to reduce down-time and technical calls
    • Contextual Help link on every screen

Controlled by:

Dispersion devices:

Features and Benefits

  • Accurate, responsive control with Vapor-logicĀ® touchscreen controller
  • Smart drain technology adjusts drain intervals automatically
  • Matching Space Distribution Units
  • Easy installation


Capacity: Steam capacities from 6 to 324 lbs/hr (2.6 – 147 kg/h); link up to 8 units for capacity up to 2,592 lbs/hr (1,176 kg/hr)

Control: Ā±1% RH, Vapor-logicĀ® controller 

Applications: Reliable feature-loaded humidifier suitable for all applications

OptionsWater treatment systemclimate controlled outdoor enclosure, floor stand for -1 and -2 stage models

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Video: RTS Humidifier RX series

DriSteem developed the RTS humidifier RX series as one line of electric resistive humidifiers with capacities and control for any application. RTS humidifiers incorporate new features that satisfy market demand, while maintaining the quality and dependability you expect from DriSteem.

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