To narzędzie obliczy obciążenie nawilżania na podstawie powietrza wlotowego, powietrza zewnętrznego i pożądanych warunków w pomieszczeniu.
Please tell us about the outside conditions:
Please tell us about the entering conditions:
Outside air conditions provided by:
Entering air conditions provided by:
ASHRAE location:
Elevation at project site (ft/m):
Value must be greater than zero Value must be lesser than or equal to 29,000 ft Value must be lesser than or equal to 8,800 mAir dry bulb temperature (C):
Air dry bulb temperature (F):
Value must be lesser than or equal to 200 °F Value must be lesser than or equal to 93.3 °COutside air moisture content measured in:
Entering air moisture content measured in:
Outside air relative humidity (%RH):
Value must be between 0 to 100%Entering air relative humidity (%RH):
Value must be between 0 to 100%Outside air wet bulb temperature (F/C):
Value must be less than or equal to Air dry bulb temperatureEntering air wet bulb temperature (F/C):
Value must be less than or equal to Air dry bulb temperatureOutside air Grains (g):
Value must be greater than or equal to 0Entering air Grains (g):
Value must be greater than or equal to 0Please tell us about the desired air conditions:
Select the air dry bulb temperature (C):
Select the air dry bulb temperature (F):
Value must be between 40 to 200 °F Value must be between 4.5 to 93.3 °CDesired room air moisture content measured in:
Desired air relative humidity (%RH):
Value must be between 0 to 100%Maximum Desired air relative humidity (%RH):
Value must be between 0 to 100%Desired air wet bulb temperature (C):
Desired air wet bulb temperature (F):
Value must be lesser than or equal to air dry bulb temperatureMaximum Desired air wet bulb temperature (C):
Maximum Desired air wet bulb temperature (F):
Value must be lesser than or equal to air dry bulb temperatureDesired air Grains (g):
Value must be greater than zeroMaximum Desired air Grains (g):
Value must be greater than zeroPlease tell us about the air intake method:
Total air volume (m3/h, cfm):
Value must be greater than 0Outside air measured in:
Outside air (%):
Value must be between 0 to 100Outside air (cfm/(m3/h)):
Value must be greater than 0Building volume (ft3/m3):
Air changes per hour (0.5 - 3.5):
Entering air RH (%):
Total air volume ((cfm)/(m³/h)):
Value must be greater than 0Mixed air temperature (F/C):
Value must be between 7 to 70 °F Value must be between -13.8 to 21.1 °CTotal air volume (m3/h, cfm):
Value must be greater than 0