DriSteem’s Water Conservation Initiatives Reduce Water Waste
Eden Prairie, MN – November 2024 – DRI-STEEM Corporation (DriSteem), the leading manufacturer of humidity control, evaporative cooling, and water treatment products, reinforces its sustainability initiative to reduce environmental impact through water conservation measures in its production shop and employee breakroom. These initiatives are part of DriSteem’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and resource efficiency.
In the DriSteem factory, a 300-gallon tank system has been introduced to reuse water for leak-testing humidifier tanks. This innovative system prevents an estimated 24,000 gallons of water per year from being wasted by redirecting it from the drain back into productive use.
In the employee breakroom, DriSteem has installed a water dispenser, which has had significant positive environmental impacts. In the five months since its installation, the dispenser has eliminated the need for more than 4,000 single-use plastic water bottles, reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable habits among employees.
Additionally, DriSteem has upgraded all restroom faucets in its building with auto on-off technology, further optimizing water usage by ensuring that water flows only when necessary.
“At DriSteem, we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact while maintaining high standards of operational efficiency,” said David Pflum, President at DriSteem. “These water-saving initiatives are a testament to our dedication to resource conservation, and we are continuously looking for ways to enhance sustainability in our workplace and products.”
These efforts reflect DriSteem’s broader commitment to responsible water use and environmental stewardship, which aligns with the company’s mission to provide energy-efficient, sustainable solutions for its customers.
About DriSteem:
DriSteem is a premier provider of humidity control, evaporative cooling, and water treatment solutions for commercial and industrial applications. DriSteem offers custom systems for critical indoor environments such as health care, data centers, and other facilities requiring precise control of moisture in the air.
DriSteem’s 60-year history of development and innovation has resulted in multiple patented designs that not only meet but anticipate customers’ unique needs. DriSteem is a subsidiary of Research Products Corporation, manufacturer of Aprilaire®, the leading residential humidifier brand, as well as air cleaners, heat-recovery systems, and HVAC accessories.
Visit DriSteem at www.dristeem.com
PRESS CONTACT: Veronica Welch, (508) 643-8000, veronica@vewprmedia.com