DriSteem Announces Water Testing Miniseries

Eden Prairie, MN – October 3, 2022 – DRI-STEEM Corporation (DriSteem), the leading manufacturer of humidification, evaporative cooling, and water treatment products, announced a new online water testing miniseries. This miniseries will explain why knowing your water supply matters and demonstrate techniques for accurate testing.  

The six-part miniseries is hosted by Ryan Reimer, DriSteem’s Water Treatment Product Manager. Ryan explains the reasons for testing, safety precautions, techniques recommended for accurate water tests. After watching this miniseries, viewers will understand what to look for in terms of  conductivity, pH levels, water hardness, chlorides, and more. Ryan also discusses the ways water can impact the equipment it runs through. DriSteem understands the importance of testing and treating a building’s water supply in order to make informed decisions about equipment and maintenance protocols.. 

“Most people do not understand all that must be checked to maintain machines that use water, regulate water, etc. Proper attention to water chemistry can simplify maintenance and extend the life of equipment,” said Reimer. “At DriSteem, we are experts in understanding the overall systems our equipment is installed in.”

The Vimeo link to the six-part water testing miniseries can be found at: 


About DriSteem:

DriSteem is a premier provider of humidity control, evaporative cooling, and water treatment solutions for commercial and industrial applications.  DriSteem offers custom systems for critical indoor environments such as health care, data centers, and other facilities requiring precise control of moisture in the air.

DriSteem’s 60-year history of development and innovation has resulted in multiple patented designs that not only meet but anticipate customers’ unique needs.  DriSteem is a subsidiary of Research Products Corporation, manufacturer of Aprilaire®, the leading residential humidifier brand, as well as air cleaners, heat-recovery systems, and HVAC accessories.

Visit DriSteem at www.dristeem.com 

PRESS CONTACT: Veronica Welch, (508) 643-8000, veronica@vewprmedia.com