DriSteem RTS® Humidifier RX Series is Seismic Certified in California

Eden Prairie, MN – April 26, 2022 – DRI-STEEM Corporation (DriSteem), the leading manufacturer of humidification, evaporative cooling, and water treatment products, announced today The RTS® humidifier RX series is now seismic certified through California’s OSHPD/HCAI. 

DriSteem’s seismic certified products mitigate risk because units are rated to operate during and after a seismic event. In addition, the design and certification process is expedited, resulting in earlier occupancy of the facility. DriCalc® sizing and selection software allows users to choose from a variety of pre-approved/certified units for application.

DriSteem’s pre-approved humidifiers passed tests to meet seismic standards which include: 
● Meets IBC seismic standards
● Satisfies the California HCAI Seismic Certification for Healthcare facilities
● Passed rigorous shake table test through an independent seismic verification
● A wide variety of generation and dispersion units 

“We are pleased to add this certification to the RTS humidifier RX series. A certification of this type allows us to expand the application flexibility to facilities throughout California,” said Mysty Hanson, Product Manager at DriSteem. 

For more information and link to the seismic brochure:

About DriSteem:

DriSteem is a premier provider of humidity control, evaporative cooling, and water treatment solutions for commercial and industrial applications.  DriSteem offers custom systems for critical indoor environments such as health care, data centers, and other facilities requiring precise control of moisture in the air.

DriSteem’s 60-year history of development and innovation has resulted in multiple patented designs that not only meet but anticipate customers’ unique needs.  DriSteem is a subsidiary of Research Products Corporation, manufacturer of Aprilaire®, the leading residential humidifier brand, as well as air cleaners, heat-recovery systems, and HVAC accessories.

Visit DriSteem at www.dristeem.com 

PRESS CONTACT: Veronica Welch, (508) 643-8000, veronica@vewprmedia.com